Social Media and Marketing Manager
Audio Transcription:
“I’ve never been confident with my weight. That’s something that I’m still working on but being able to wear clothes that I actually like and fit me well has been helping me with that a lot. I usually go into stores and I’ll try something on and it should fit me but it doesn’t. And it’s upsetting but then getting to walk into a store knowing that you’re going to pick up something you love and try it on it actually fits you. It’s a great feeling. I don’t want to be as shy as I usually am. Once you get to know me I’m not a shy person. I like to express that from the get-go and that’s why I like to wear loud clothing. Hayley Elsaesser is like home. It’s easy to express yourself. It’s easy to be bright and fun when you’re not feeling that so much on the inside.”
- Haley Biemiller
Audio Transcription:
“I’ve never been confident with my weight. That’s something that I’m still working on but being able to wear clothes that I actually like and fit me well has been helping me with that a lot. I usually go into stores and I’ll try something on and it should fit me but it doesn’t. And it’s upsetting but then getting to walk into a store knowing that you’re going to pick up something you love and try it on it actually fits you. It’s a great feeling. I don’t want to be as shy as I usually am. Once you get to know me I’m not a shy person. I like to express that from the get-go and that’s why I like to wear loud clothing. Hayley Elsaesser is like home. It’s easy to express yourself. It’s easy to be bright and fun when you’re not feeling that so much on the inside.”
- Haley Biemiller