Audio Transcription:
“My mom was a model. So for some reason, I never ever thought… Like it never clicked that, OK, I could be a model too. To me, my mom is, like, extremely beautiful and I never thought that towards me, at all. When I saw the open casting, I was like ‘let me just try this and see what happens’. And then I saw all these different bodies, all these different people who kind of were like me… I was like ‘OK, I could probably do this, right? Like, I’m cute!’ Especially when I saw the runway video and the photos - that really boosted my confidence a lot!”
- Akira Joseph
Audio Transcription:
“My mom was a model. So for some reason, I never ever thought… Like it never clicked that, OK, I could be a model too. To me, my mom is, like, extremely beautiful and I never thought that towards me, at all. When I saw the open casting, I was like ‘let me just try this and see what happens’. And then I saw all these different bodies, all these different people who kind of were like me… I was like ‘OK, I could probably do this, right? Like, I’m cute!’ Especially when I saw the runway video and the photos - that really boosted my confidence a lot!”
- Akira Joseph